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Revol One Excelera Plus 5 Year

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Company Name

Revol One Financial

Revol One Fixed Annuities

Product Name

Revol One Excelera Plus 5 Year


The Excelera Plus 5 is a unique single premium Multi-Year Guaranteed Indexed Annuity (MYGIA) account. It includes a fixed account with a five-year rate lock — and a 5-year Point-to-Point Index account with a guaranteed participation rate. Both the fixed and participation rates are set at purchase and do not fluctuate.

At the end of the five-year term, owners receive the greater of the fixed account or indexed-linked accumulation value. No action is required by owners to obtain the better of the two rates. It is known and calculated automatically at maturity.

After five years, owners have a 45-day window to transfer, withdraw, or reinvest their entire account value. If no action is taken, a second term of the same length begins with an enhanced 10% liquidity provision. Qualified and non-qualified funds are accepted. There are no surrender penalties at death.

AM Best Rating

B++ Good (5th of 13 ratings)

Company Website

Product Type

MYGIA (Multi-Year Guaranteed Indexed Annuity)

Free Withdrawals Yr1 / Yr2+

0% / 0%




5 Years

Minimum Investment


Maximum Investment

$1,000,000 without prior approval

Maximum Age


Surrender Schedule

9%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 0%

What We Like About This Annuity

Novel fixed and indexed account that does the investment work for you. Owners do not need to choose between the indexed and fixed option each year. The higher rate of return is credited at the end of the three year term and applied to the account automatically.

Notable Features

Terminal Illness, Nursing Home Confinement, and Required Minimum Distribution penalty free withdrawals are all included in the contract. Free 10% withdrawals are only available at renewal.

Other Popular Products

Revol One also offers traditional MYGAs called the Excelera 5 Year and DirectGrowth 5 policies. Their Enduris Fixed & Bonus Index annuities are also popular with investors.

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About Revol One Financial

This new insurance company, headquartered in Spring Lake, MI, with offices in Urbandale, IA, offers several popular annuities. It boasts a B++ rating and promises a superior experience for its policyholders.

They offer both fixed and indexed annuities, but their hybrid MYGIA policy is a unique blend of both. It was one of the first on the market to offer guaranteed interest income and fixed interest growth simultaneously.