You might purchase a health insurance policy that can be coupled with a health savings account simply to obtain lower monthly premiums. In exchange for covering more of the incidental expenses out of pocket with a HSA qualified plan, you can keep your individual or family health insurance more affordable. Perhaps of more importance are …
Category: Health Insurance, Health Savings Accounts
Medicare supplement Plan G was updated way back in 2010 and should now be considered by most beneficiaries as a smart purchase when supplementing original Medicare Parts A and B. After Plan F, Plan G is one of the most comprehensive plans available. It is an affordable choice if you are willing to cover the small, one-time Part B …
Category: Medicare Supplements
Plan F Medicare supplement insurance policies are the most comprehensive supplemental plans available for purchase today. They cover all gaps in Medicare and have no out-of-pocket costs to the insured for Medicare approved expenses. With Plan F, there are no deductibles, coinsurance or copays to meet. So long as your expenses are Medicare approved, Plan F …
Category: Medicare Supplements
Category: Medicare Supplements
Medicare supplement insurance Plans M and N will be available for purchase with effective dates of June 1, 2010 and beyond. These two new plans offer attractive coverage for those willing to exchange lower monthly premiums for higher out of pocket expenses. Both M and N are cost sharing plans. The insured will be responsible for additional …
Category: Medicare Supplements
One of the first components of the health care bill to take effect is the requirement that insurance companies provide coverage for children under age 19 who have preexisting conditions. The change is slated to take place in September of 2010 and is designed to prevent children from being excluded from their parent’s policy or a …
Category: Health Care Reform
Category: Life Insurance
Category: Annuities
The recent passing and implementation of the Medicare Modernization Act created permanent changes to the Medicare supplement plans insurance companies can offer after June 1, 2010. All plans are still in effect for 2012. Plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K and L offer nearly the same benefits as before with Plan F now …
Category: Medicare Supplements
As debate heats up about the rising cost of individual and family health insurance around the country, many carriers are looking at ways to reduce premiums for existing and future insureds. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield recently introduced new coverage options with new benefit designs in order to keep prices affordable. Our agency is proud …
Category: Health Insurance
Editor’s Note: As of 2013, Ohio non longer has an inheritance tax. Residents may still be subject to Federal Estate Taxes, however. It is also possible that Ohio residents could pay inheritance taxes on property and assets inherited from a deceased resident of another state. Furthermore, we still see many of our large-estate clients using …
Category: Life Insurance, Retirement Planning
Whether you manage a small or large number of employees, it can be a painstaking and time consuming process to obtain group health insurance quotes in Ohio. If you have a new business or are shopping for better rates on your existing plan, correctly filling out applications with several companies can be a tedious process …
Category: Group Health Insurance
In a landscape of national health insurance companies, Medical Mutual is considered to be more of a regional insurance player. While they have branched out to other states in the last few years, they are best known in Ohio as an individual, family and group health insurance provider. In business since 1934, they offer products …
Category: Health Insurance
Gerber Life is now offering Medicare supplement insurance in California. This is the same well known and well rated Gerber Insurance Company that offers life insurance to children. Gerber Medigap plans are priced quite competitively and in many areas they are the best rates available for those over age 65. Consumers can request personal quotes from …
Category: Medicare Supplements, Retirement Planning
As of the writing of this article, there is still no decision from Washington as to whether the COBRA health insurance subsidy will be extended for those who lost jobs or were laid off. There is talk that Congress might extend the subsidy for an additional 15 months, assuming those who qualified have not already …
Category: Health Insurance