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Our brokers at Hyers and Associates specialize in health insurance and can help you sort through what’s best when it comes to traditional long term care policies. If we only knew what was in our future, decisions would be so much easier. You don’t want to spend money on something you don’t need. And you [...]
March 2, 2020

Category: Long Term Care Insurance, Retirement Planning

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With the various health insurance options available today, it’s easy to see why people are confused. Basic options include group health, individual health plans and short term coverage. Get the facts about all of your options so you make an educated choice about your health insurance coverage. What is Group Health Insurance? Companies purchase group …

January 23, 2020

Category: Group Health Insurance, Health Insurance


It's the time of year when Medicare announces changes that affect Medicare beneficiaries and the insurance plans they own.  Like most years, the 2020 changes are incremental, but larger than what we saw for 2019.  We will discuss them below and how they will affect your out of pocket exposure. (It's important to note that [...]
November 10, 2019

Category: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements


At Hyers and Associates, we work with Medicare prescription Part D drug plans every day. Whether it's Medicare Open Enrollment or your new to Medicare and need a Part D plan to compliment your supplemental insurance, we can help. Our team works with several different insurance companies and we can help you find a Part [...]
October 16, 2019

Category: Medicare Part D

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Medicare Open Enrollment for 2020 effective dates has begun. This window runs from October 15th through December 7th.  All changes to your Medicare Advantage and/or Prescription Drug Part D coverage will take effect January 1, 2020. Should you miss the Annual Election Period (AEP) open enrollment window, it may not be possible to make changes [...]
October 12, 2019

Category: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements


There are several policies designed to fill the gaps in Medicare. Medical Savings Accounts from Lasso are no exception. These innovative insurance plans offer a great way save toward future health care expenses. First, you must be enrolled in both Medicare Parts A and B to qualify. You must also live in the plan's service [...]
September 23, 2019

Category: Medicare Advantage


Medicare doesn't cover everything so it's wise to enroll in additional coverage. In our second part series, we discuss three reasons why you may want to choose a Medicare Advantage plan over a Supplement. (View Part One Here.) There's not always a right or wrong way to fill in the gaps, but in this post [...]
September 11, 2019

Category: Medicare Advantage


When you're Medicare eligible, you're likely deciding how to best supplement your coverage. Should you choose a Medicare Supplement or a Medicare Advantage plan? A good argument can be made for both, but for the purposes of this article we'll explain why many of our clients choose a traditional Medicare supplement plan. Also referred to [...]
August 7, 2019

Category: Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements


Several insurance companies offer High Deductible Plan G. This newer Medicare supplement is available for sale now and offers some of the lowest rates available. As part of the recently passed MACRA legislation, all plans covering the Part B deductible are unavailable to those who are newly eligible to Medicare in 2020 and beyond. This …

July 12, 2019

Category: Medicare Supplements


Investors like annuity policies for a lot of reasons, but a new feature is adding even more certainty to these guaranteed products. Some companies are now offering a death benefit rider on their contracts to assure policy growth every year. This optional feature allows your death benefit to grow each year by a guaranteed rate [...]
June 5, 2019

Category: Annuities, Retirement Planning


We are all working toward a comfortable, financially stable retirement. We want to enjoy more time with our loved ones while immersing ourselves in the activities that bring us peace and joy. The Hyers & Associates team is here to help you achieve your retirement goals. The fact is you need a plan to create [...]
April 23, 2019

Category: Annuities, Retirement Planning


As an independent agent, I see a lot of misinformation about annuity policies. One of the primary concerns with investors is liquidity. Our clients ask if they can take money from their annuity accounts? Simply put, there are several ways you can withdraw money from your annuity. Many have several liquidity options so you can [...]
March 13, 2019

Category: Annuities


At our independent agency, Medicare supplement Plans F, G and N are the most requested plans by our clients. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these three plans cover the most important gaps left behind by Medicare. But there are some key differences. Almost all carriers offer all three plans, but there [...]
March 7, 2019

Category: Medicare Supplements


The Hyers & Associates team works with annuities of all kinds. We will help you understand how these policies are for retirement planning - or as an investment opportunity. Many people want a safe and reliable way to invest their money while retired. An annuity is a smart option worth considering. Understanding their purposes will [...]
February 14, 2019

Category: Annuities



If you are near (or already) eligible for Medicare, you might be wondering about your Medigap options. You should consider Medicare Supplement Plan G as a choice for straightforward and affordable coverage. It's one of the most comprehensive plans available. It also offers good value when compared to other plans like F and N. The [...]
January 31, 2019

Category: Medicare Supplements

