If you would like to purchase health insurance outside of the yearly Open Enrollment window, then you will need a qualifying life event (QLE) to do so. Open Enrollment begins on November 15th and lasts through February 15th each year. Without such an event, insurance companies will turn down your application. How Do Qualifying Life …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
If you are looking for Ohio health insurance plans in Columbus, Cleveland or Cincinnati -then you are in the right place. Our Ohio based independent insurance agency offers coverage from several carriers both on and off the federal exchange. In our opinion, it is important to work with an Ohio based insurance agency if that’s …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
Health insurance open enrollment under Obamacare has different rules. Unless it’s Open Enrollment, you may not be able to purchase health insurance without a qualifying event. Special election periods will be available outside of open enrollment for those who meet certain criteria. If none of the life events listed below apply, then applicants will need …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
Our insurance agency has received several inquiries about the upcoming Obamacare penalty amounts for those who do not purchase health insurance. It is important to understand how these penalties will be enforced and ways to avoid them. The penalties will vary for singles and for families and can, for some, end up being a portion of their …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance, Uncategorized
Under current rules and regulations, you buy health insurance either on the the Federal (or in some states local) exchange or off. Here in Ohio, we are on the Federal exchange. Understanding your options will help you know whether you qualify for subsides, Medicaid and what your penalty might be. We help our clients sort …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
Now that the Supreme Court has upheld most of the provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) high income investors can expect to pay higher taxes on most investments. Legislative changes of this magnitude certainly come at a cost and in order to pay for Obamacare, investors must now share more of …
Category: Articles, Health Care Reform, Wealth Transfer
Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) there are many questions about the individual mandate as it relates to new taxes and/or penalties for those who have not purchased health insurance. It is important to understand that these new taxes (or penalties) will be phased in over …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
Parts of the new health care legislation have already taken affect, but there is quite a bit of confusion over the guaranteed issue status for children under the age of 19 years old. (Editor’s note: Some of the information below is outdated – please contact us to discuss a child-only health insurance application.) As of September …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
As part of the health care reform bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in March, new high risk health insurance pools will be created by several states. The pools are designed to last 40 months and bridge the gap until applicants with preexisting conditions must be underwritten for permanent coverage. …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
New state and federal laws allow Ohio residents to keep children insured on a parent’s health insurance policy past age 23. Federal and State laws only require coverage is offered to age 26. Those who are insured through an employer based group health insurance plan – and those who have purchased individual or family insurance …
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance
One of the first components of the health care bill to take effect is the requirement that insurance companies provide coverage for children under age 19 who have preexisting conditions. The change is slated to take place in September of 2010 and is designed to prevent children from being excluded from their parent’s policy or a …
Category: Health Care Reform
Behind closed doors members of Congress are hammering out plans to change the shape of the current health care system. Details are still somewhat scarce, but House and Senate member are determined to have a bill put together by the middle of the summer and actual reform by year end. Outlined below are changes that …
Category: Health Care Reform, Op/Ed
Category: Health Care Reform, Health Insurance